miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

Do Schools Kill Creativity? by Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson talk about the creativity and how creativity is important for human development.
He associated the creativity with education, because by self, the education suppresses creativity.
The argument of Mr Robinson is that assumes that all children have creativity. This creativity should be treated the same way as for example math, or language.
The society makes them believe that the creativity it’s something wrong. Also said that the creativity it’s like a kind of impediment for learning in the school.
The academics thinks that the creativity isn’t necessary because the important is how smart you are.
He remembers an experience about Gillian, a famous dancer; when she was a child, she couldn’t concentrated in the classroom. She went to see a doctor, and when he saw Gillian, he said that she wasn’t seek, she is a dancer.
Mr Robinson wanted to said is that the creativity is very important because it’s a gift
from the nature and it’ essential for the development of human being.
So we have to care this.

2 comentarios:

  1. Mr. Robison is right, the Creativity is very important to us

  2. Sir Ken Robinson talk C about (the) creativity and how creativity is important for human development.
    He associated T the creativity with education, P because by self, ?M (the) education suppresses creativity.
    The argument of Mr Robinson is that SM assumes that all children have creativity. This creativity should be treated the same way as *math or language, for example.*
    (The) society makes them ?M believe that (the) creativity it’s WF something wrong. SM Also said that (the) creativity it’s WF like a kind of impediment for learning in the school.
    (The) academics thinks C that (the) creativity isn’t necessary because the important SM is how smart you are.
    He ?M remembers an experience about Gillian, a famous dancer; when she was a child, she couldn’t concentrated WF in the classroom. She went to see a doctor, and when he saw Gillian, he said that she wasn’t seek, S she is a dancer. SS
    SM Mr Robinson wanted to said WF is that (the) creativity is very important because it’s a gift
    from (the) nature and it’ S essential for the development of human being.
    So we have to care SM this.

    But what do you think?
